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License Package Details

Core+ (free if you register)

Free features for everybody that registers their systems.
All security relevant features are in this group, so we can notify you if something critical appears. 

Features in this License

  1. Custom WebAPIs - save files into ADAM let app-specific WebAPIs use ADAM to save attachments
  2. Edit UI - Allow Debug Mode for Editors Special debug mode which is usually reserved to admins.
  3. Permissions - Configure by Group / Role Set data-edit permissions for specific user groups
  4. Permissions - Configure by User Set permissions specifically to a user identity
  5. Permissions - Use Module Permissions when accessing other Apps Give restricted editors more permissions when editing inner content.
  6. Public Forms - allow file upload for website visitors Lets public forms also upload files in hyperlink, library and wysiwyg-fields
  7. Public Forms - Use the edit UI as input form for visitors use the 2sxc form for public input - like to place orders or in public directories
  8. Razor-Render - ThrowPartial Debug enhancement: only throw errors on sub-components
  9. Razor-Render - ThrowPartial for SystemAdmin Debug enhancement: only throw errors on sub-components but only for SystemAdmins.
