Feature Details
Network Data Encryption (Forms) - Protect from CDN Snooping/Spying
Encrypt data submitted using forms, so it's unreadable in CDNs.
This allows your forms to use military grade encryption for forms.
It's a form of double encryption using public and private keys - the browser knows the public key and can encrypt the data in a way that no man in the middle can read any of the submitted data.
- Data cannot be snooped on public connections (e.g. when some man-in-the-middle is listening in)
- Websites using CDNs or other network appliances could be compromised and snoop / log submitted data. But once it's encrypted like this, they will not be able to read it, because these networks don't have the public key.
How it Works
- The server provides a public key to the browser
- Your JS which submits the form data to an endpoint can then use the $2sxc API to encrypt the data before sending
- The endpoint will automatically unecrypt the submitted data (almost no changes required to the API controller)
Manual / Docs
This feature is only for patrons / supporters of 2sxc.
This feature requires the following license:
Patron Sentinel
(10 credits)
Technical Specs
Name ID: NetworkDataEncryption
GUID: 6c333e6f-d552-431a-b47c-0030764a66f3
2sxc Min Version: 18.05.00